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How Do I Improve the Efficiency of My Commercial HVAC System?

According to the United States Department of Energy, HVAC heating and cooling systems account for some of the largest energy expenditures in businesses across the country. This comes as no surprise as HVAC systems are an essential component of any home, business, or property. HVACs are so important as they assist in controlling the heating and cooling conditions in any space, optimizing the environment of the space. To keep your HVAC in tip-top shape, the industry experts at Ross Company have come up with a list of our top tips to help you increase the efficiency of your HVAC without sacrificing your comfort.


Our Top 5 Cost Effective Ways to Improve the Efficiency of Your HVAC: 


Utilize Your Blinds and Curtains

Most businesses are already well equipped with blinds and curtains, whether they are for an aesthetic look or for functionality, they can be a great asset in optimizing your HVAC efficiency. In the winter we recommend keeping your curtains and blinds open during the day, this will allow sunlight to sneak into your property, naturally warming it up. This will allow your HVAC system to take a small rest for a portion of the day. In the summer we recommend doing the opposite, keep your curtains and blinds closed during the day to block out the raging summer heat. This will allow your  business to maintain a naturally cooler temperature, taking the pressure off your HVAC system.


Adjust Your Thermostat

By adjusting your thermostat to a temperature that is close to the outside temperature, your HVAC system will not have to work as hard. A good rule of thumb would be to keep the temperature within 5 or 6 degrees of the outside temperature unless it is a truly frigid or hot day outside. 


Clean Your HVAC’s Drain Line

A drain line is a line found underneath, inside the unit, or outside the condenser unit of your system that ensures the area around your HVAC does not flood. A common problem many people have is letting the drain line get clogged, this can greatly affect the air production of your HVAC. To clean the drain line you can flush one cup of chlorinated bleach through the drain, followed by a gallon of water to help rinse it through. If you need assistance cleaning or checking your drain line, contact Ross Company today! We would be happy to assist you with your HVAC maintenance.


Place Your Unit in The Shade

By placing your HVAC Unit in an area that is covered or shaded most of the day you are allowing the system to regulate and maintain a consistent temperature, decreasing the amount of energy that is needed to cool your home.


Clean The Filter

Just like with any piece of machinery or equipment in your home, your HVAC with use is bound to accumulate dirt, dust, and debris. This dirt and dust can clog your system, which causes your HVAC to use more energy to regulate the temperature of your home. By changing the filter of your HVAC regularly you can make sure your HVAC system is functioning at its best, costing you less on your monthly utility bill


In Search of HVAC Repair or Installation Services? Contact Ross Company Today!

Are you looking to get your commercial HVAC system serviced regularly? Look no further! Ross Company is a professional and experienced Commercial Refrigeration and HVAC service, sales, and installation company located in Haverhill, MA. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our skilled technicians who will evaluate your HVAC system to ensure it lasts for years!


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